Day 11
Today, the G-Man and I spent 15 hours on the road, making our way to Austin, TX.
There's very little to report, since we only arrived in the city at 2:30am, and the rest of the time was spent on the road or eating bad food at burger joints or peeing at gas stations.
I can tell you that the temperature right now is kind of sucking ass (it reached a high of 17 Celsius near the beginning of our journey, and is now around 6 degrees - at one point it was -2). However, the sky has been cloudless and beautiful to look at, and the sun coming through the windows has felt really good.
The trip southeast out of Arizona was actually really beautiful and fun to drive: It was a winding stretch of two-lane blacktop that wove its way through forested mountains, at a decent enough speed to make the ride a fun drive. It stayed like that for almost 3 hours. It ruled.
There was a little bit of that kind of driving fun later on here in Texas, as we approached Austin from the West - however, that trickery was mostly due to construction making the roads a bit of a labyrinth. During the day, with traffic, it would have been annoying as hell, but empty it was fun.
I can also report that when it gets really late, G-Man's sense of humour gets even sharper than normal, and even a little punchy, and he makes me laugh that kind of laugh where you're wheezing because you're pretty much dying from good-times overload. He was the same way last night, starting at about 1:30am.
Tomorrow, we'll be exploring Austin and planning out what bands to go see in the evening. We've taken our extra Vegas day and switched it to an extra night here in "The Music Capital of America", so there should be some good times ahead. After just driving around at 2:30am for half an hour, watching the nightlife spilling out on to the streets, coupled with the architecture and the general vibe of the city, I already dig it lots.