Thursday, 30 October 2008

Road trip: Start

This is simply a record of my trip from Toronto to L.A. and back, with some deliberate stops along the way.

Today was the first day. I wanted to be out the door and on the road at 8am.

I only finished preparing for the trip at 7am.



Stupid new iPod and GPS took forever to get loaded and updated and stuff. When was the last time you heard someone complain about iTunes? Was it just 3 seconds ago? And did someone else (or the same person) just complain about it 5 seconds before that? Well, that's not enough complaining: iTunes sucks. You know what I'm talking about, so I won't get into it.

Anyway - after allowing myself 5 hours sleep, I was finally up and finishing off all my prep, and hugging my cats goodbye, and then I was in the yellow butch kinder surprise I call Colonel Mustard, and I was driving. It was 4pm, but it was actually happening, so it was sweet-ass.

Oh wait, Packing Drama: In order to get my trunk lid to close properly with the roof folded down alongside my packed Adidas bag, I had to unpack three pairs of socks. That's how much of a science loading up that car is.

And if we're keeping with the science analogy, then I think I might have blown up the lab, because now I have only 4 pairs of socks, but 9 pairs of underwears.

That's just bad science.

I drove as long as I could. I got pretty far, and I have hopes of doing super long hauls tomorrow and Friday to make up for lost time. It was insane to think I could reach L.A. in three days, but in two and a half? Pass the pipe.

I found a hotel tonight after missing the exits for a few and also after fleeing from a scary one. I finally stopped driving at 2:30am.

I'm just outside Auburn, Indiana, just off I-69 (insert sex joke here).

There's wireless here. I don't know if it's free. I probably should have asked before I downloaded all my mail and spent lots of time on this here internets, finding my way back in to this once-defunct blog of mine.

Vive le Resurrection!!

Free Days Inn breakfast in the morning! Scary!
